I am actually choosing to right mine about two people in my life who have influenced me greatly. Those two men were both my grandfathers, yes were meaning they both have passed away. Allen Esarey was my mothers’ father and a great man he was and trust me you will agree by the end of this also. The other gentleman I am choosing to write about is of course my other grandfather Ernie DuPre, who was my fathers’ dad. Who also was a great man and of course you will see why at the end of this also.
Both men were very caring and loving men. I am going to choose to talk about my grandpa Esarey first and for no particular reason neither one was a favorite I love both of them the same and they love me. My grandpa Esarey was a great man in my eyes. He was a farmer is whole life that is all he knew, but boy was he good at it. He had all the kids helping on the farm not matter boy or girl you would get up at the crack of dawn and go feed the cows or do whatever choir was expected of you. You of course wanted to skip out of them occasionally but he had this sort of slick way getting you to do it, he was such a good man. When I picture him I picture a man that has worked every day of his life. He had the rough farm boy hands but also had his Sunday boy side also. Sunday boy side meaning he went to church every Sunday no matter what rain or snow he would be there. He would work right along and same pace as my younger more agile uncle believe it or not but he would be barking at him to keep up. He was just one of those great guys that went hard and did everything. He was also the type of man that would help anybody that needed help he needed know alternative motives he just did it cause it was the right thing to do, you could say that was just the type of man he was.
Now I am going to talk about the other great man and inspiring gentleman in my life, my grandpa DuPre. Grandpa DuPre was a little different than Grandpa Esarey not by much both of course very hard working men but main difference was in their career paths. My Grandpa DuPre was the general manager of General Electric in Tell City, Indiana. He was actually originally from Charleston, South Carolina were he was born and raised. After high school he attended the University of Clemson there in South Carolina. He actually graduated from both high school and college very early. He was done with college by the age of eighteen believe it or not. He also was a navy man at first then he started working for general electric. He actually moved to Tell City and was interviewed for the job and the gentleman who interviewed him actually told his wife he just interviewed a man who could be the president of general electric one day. Some of you might not believe that and wondering how I know that well I found that out actually at his funeral the widow of the man who interviewed my grandfather actually informed my father and I that. One of the most interesting things I ever heard was again at his funeral and it came from one of his son in laws my uncle. He said that my grandpa never said people worked for him he just worked with them even though he was there boss he was still not above them in his book and to me a man that thinks like that is a great man. My grandpa was one of the most loving and caring men I have ever met. One thing he loved to do once he retired was go to all my sporting events and he would not miss a single one. No matter how hot it was or how old he was he was always there he love watching me and my buddies play. I can picture him now as I walk up to bat I see his smiling face and I can do nothing but do good I cannot disappoint that man I love. You could say was one of the luckiest kids out there I feel like for having such loving grandpas and I can only wish they were still here.
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