Thursday, August 19, 2010

English 101 Classification & Division-Based Peer Review Sheet

Instructions: Answer the questions below, being as specific as possible. Try to give the type of (helpful) feedback

that you would like to receive for your own draft. One word responses are not acceptable!

1. Is the introductory paragraph interesting? Why or why not? Does the introduction specify clearly what is to be

classified and/or divided into groups?

I thought the introductory paragraph was very interesting and made me want to keep reading.

2. Is there a clear thesis statement? Can you find a sentence (or two) that reveals the writer’s point or purpose for

the classification and/or division? Type the sentence(s) below that you believe to be the writer’s thesis statement.

If the thesis is implied, state it in your own words below.

The thesis statement has to deal with types of teachers.

3. Is the writer’s basis of classification clear (see “Notes on Classification and Division” posted August 12th)? Why

or why not? By what means is the writer grouping his or her subject matter?

I think the writers basis of classification is very good and insightful.

4. Are the groups or categories clearly defined and uniquely named? Do any seem to overlap or appear

oversimplified or based on stereotypes? Explain.

The groups were clearly categorizes like we were suppose to and no overlap or any of that.

5. Would the essay improve if the paragraphs were arranged differently? Why/why not? Note any paragraph that

seems out of order. Are the paragraphs connected to one another smoothly and logically? Are there transitions

between paragraphs that help you understand how the writer’s ideas are connected? Explain.

I really do not think in this type of essay they order really matter it all was done very good.

6. Do individual paragraphs seem well detailed? What suggestions would you make about adding/subtracting

specific examples to help illustrate the writer’s classification and/or division?

Each individual paragraph is very well written, not much more I could add.

7. Are all of the writer’s paragraphs unified and coherent? Indicate which paragraphs have any sentences that seem

irrelevant (“unity” concerns) or out of order (“coherence” concerns).

Each paragraph was very understandable very well written paper.

8. Go back and read the first and last paragraph. Has the writer fulfilled the obligations he or she established in the

introduction? Does the writer accomplish everything promised in the introduction, or does the essay go off track or

seem to switch focus? Why or why not? How can the conclusion be improved?

I thought the writer did a good job fulfilling obligations for first and last paragraph standards.

9. Now look at sentences. Does the writer have sentences that strike you as effective because they include strong

verbs, specific details, memorable phrases, or striking images? Does the writer have any words they repeat too

often, use incorrectly, or misspells? Finally, does the writer have any tendencies for error they should be made

aware of? (Think comma splices, run-on sentences, or switches in verb tense, etc.)

Again I thought this was well written story and each sentence looked well written, striking images and details were great.

10. Write a summary comment that explains what you like best about the paper. Then, describe the two features of

the paper that most need improvement. What suggestion(s) for overcoming these problems do you have?

I really like how right on the writer was about different types of teachers. I think the writer could go through and make a few minor detailed changes of teacher characteristics other than that I thought it was great paper.

Brandi M/cause and effect.. michael dupre

1. Is the introductory paragraph interesting? Why or why not? Does the introduction specify clearly what is to be

analyzed? Can you tell if causes (a number of television programs or characters), effects (positive influences or

benefits), or both will be emphasized?

The introductory paragraph really is not that interesting, it does not have much to it. They first paragraph does not explain much at all.

2. Is there a clear thesis statement? Can you find a sentence (or two) that reveals the writer’s point or purpose for

the analysis? Type the sentence(s) below that you believe to be the writer’s thesis statement. If the thesis is

implied, state it in your own words below.

I can not find a clear thesis statement. I would have to say while i was growing up there wasn't one show in particular that had a major efffect on me.

3. Does the writer include a sufficient number of programs or characters (cause) and positive results (effect)? Why

or why not? What other causes or effects should the writer consider?

The writer does use a few programs and characters. I think there could be more.

4. Are the causes/effects reasonable or believable and not too far fetched? Does the author make any creative

connections or offer anything that surprises you—or does the analysis seem obvious? Explain.

The author really never clearly states causes and effects, therefor no connections were made.

5. Would the essay improve if the paragraphs were arranged differently? Why/why not? Note any paragraph that

seems out of order. Are the paragraphs connected to one another smoothly and logically? Are there transitions

between paragraphs that help you understand how the writer’s ideas are connected? Explain.

I really don't think rearranging these paragraphs would help the story much.

6. Do individual paragraphs seem well detailed? What suggestions would you make about adding/subtracting

specific examples to help illustrate the writer’s cause and/or effect analysis?

I really don't feel that that the paragraphs were very well detailed. I think there could be a lot more detail added.

7. Are all of the writer’s paragraphs unified and coherent? Indicate which paragraphs have any sentences that seem

irrelevant (“unity” concerns) or out of order (“coherence” concerns).

I think each paragraph does go along the right lines of the story.

8. Go back and read the first and last paragraph. Has the writer fulfilled the obligations he or she established in the

introduction? Does the writer accomplish everything promised in the introduction, or does the essay go off track or

seem to switch focus? Why or why not? How can the conclusion be improved?

The first and and last paragraph are actually pretty off. First paragraph is very short and last is very long needs more balance.

9. Now look at sentences. Does the writer have sentences that strike you as effective because they include strong

verbs, specific details, memorable phrases, or striking images? Does the writer have any words they repeat too

often, use incorrectly, or misspells? Finally, does the writer have any tendencies for error they should be made

aware of? (Think comma splices, run-on sentences, or switches in verb tense, etc.)

I think each sentence is structured very good. I don see any repeats or other mess ups.

10. Write a summary comment that explains what you like best about the paper. Then, describe the two features of

the paper that most need improvement. What suggestion(s) for overcoming these problems do you have?

I like some of the lessons the writer learned from tv. I think the paragraphs could mesh a little better and could have more detail.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

English 101 Illustration-Based Peer Review Sheet

Instructions: Answer the questions below, being as specific as possible. Try to give the type of (helpful) feedback

that you would like to receive for your own draft. One word responses are not acceptable!

1. Is the introductory paragraph interesting? Why or why not? What does the writer give you to make you want to

continue reading?

I like the introductory paragraph I think it is very insightful. The writer states some things that definitely make me wanna continue reading it.

2. Is there a clear thesis statement? Can you find a sentence (or two) that reveals the writer’s purpose?

I don't feel as the thesis statement is exactly clear but I do see were they are going.

3. Type the sentence(s) below that you believe to be the writer’s thesis statement. If the thesis is implied, state it in

your own words below.

I think the the writer thesis statement is the last one that states relationships should be a give take, were both persons are contributing, and not just one person doing all the giving.

4. Do all of the paragraphs contribute to the development of the thesis? Point out any paragraph(s) that you have

difficulty relating to the thesis statement or illustration.

For the most part all paragraphs do go along with the thesis. Some parts kind of stray off but not to bad.

5. Would the essay improve if the paragraphs were arranged differently? Why/why not? Note any paragraph that

seems out of order. Are the paragraphs connected to one another smoothly and logically? Are there transitions

between paragraphs that help you understand how the writer’s ideas are connected? Explain.

I thought the essays paragraphs were arranged just fine. They all were very smooth for the most part.

6. Do individual paragraphs seem well detailed? What suggestions would you make about adding/subtracting

specific examples to help illustrate the writer’s point or concept?

Individual paragraphs were okay they could be more detailed, some parts just did not seem right.

7. Are all of the writer’s paragraphs unified and coherent? Indicate which paragraphs have any sentences that seem

irrelevant (“unity” concerns) or out of order (“coherence” concerns).

The writer's paragraphs were all unified and very coherent.

8. Go back and read the first and last paragraph. Has the writer fulfilled the obligations he or she established in the

introduction? Does the writer accomplish everything promised in the introduction, or does the essay go off track or

seem to switch focus? Why or why not? How can the conclusion be improved?

I think the first and last paragraph actually could be a little better they were not to far off but could end or even start differently.

9. Now look at sentences. Does the writer have sentences that strike you as effective because they include strong

verbs, specific details, memorable phrases, or striking images? Does the writer have any words they repeat too

often, use incorrectly, or misspells? Finally, does the writer have any tendencies for error they should be made

aware of? (Think comma splices, run-on sentences, or switches in verb tense, etc.)

All the sentences are very well written and complete. The writer defiantly has a good english background. I could fine no errors or repeats.

10. Write a summary comment that explains what you like best about the paper. Then, describe the two features of

the paper that most need improvement. What suggestion(s) for overcoming these problems do you have?

I think the best thing about this paper is that it explains a very good life lesson us young kids need to understand. It was very good paper. I do think the introductory could have been a lot better. I also thought the same about the conclusion they just did not mesh well to me.

Jesse G/process-Reviewed by Michael DuPre

English 101 Process-Based Peer Review Sheet

Instructions: Answer the questions below, being as specific as possible. Try to give the type of (helpful) feedback

that you would like to receive for your own draft. One word responses are not acceptable!

1. Is the introductory paragraph interesting? Why or why not? What does the writer give you to make you want to

continue reading?

I do not feel that the introductory paragraph was anything special but it was good. The writer does keep my attention in the last sentence by stating she is going to teach me how to con an instructor.

2. Is there a clear thesis statement? Can you find a sentence (or two) that reveals the writer’s purpose?

The thesis statement is a very clear one in this essay. The writer is clearly explaining how to con an instructor.

3. Type the sentence(s) below that you believe to be the writer’s thesis statement. If the thesis is implied, state it in

your own words below.

The sentence is the last sentence in the first paragraph and it states " It is, instead, how to con an instructor."

4. Do all of the paragraphs contribute to the development of the thesis? Is it clear to you how each of the

paragraphs relate to the process the writer is examining? Are any of the required steps or stages left out? Point out

any paragraph(s) that you have difficulty relating to the thesis statement or process.

I think this was a very well written essay and each paragraph relates to the thesis and in a good process order.

5. Would the essay improve if the paragraphs were arranged differently? Why/why not? Note any paragraph that

seems out of order.

I really don't think I could find a way to improve the way the paragraphs are arranged, I think they all flow very good.

6. Are the paragraphs connected to one another smoothly and logically? Are there transitions between paragraphs

that help you understand how the writer’s ideas are connected? Do individual paragraphs seem well detailed?

What suggestions would you make about adding/subtracting specific details?

The paragraphs for this essay are connected to one another very smoothly and very logically it is again a very well written essay. I don't think I could find much more to add.

7. Are all of the writer’s paragraphs unified and coherent? Indicate which paragraphs have any sentences that seem

irrelevant (“unity” concerns) or out of order (“coherence” concerns).

The writers pargraphs are very unified and easily coherent. The writer is very correct with what they are saying.

8. Go back and read the first and last paragraph. Has the writer fulfilled the obligations he or she established in the

introduction? Does the writer accomplish everything promised in the introduction, or does the essay go off track or

seem to switch focus? Why or why not? How can the conclusion be improved?

I personally love the way the last paragraph is worded it is a very good conclusion and it definitely fulfill all obligations.

9. Now look at sentences. Does the writer have sentences that strike you as effective because they include strong

verbs, specific details, memorable phrases, or striking images? Does the writer have any words they repeat too

often, use incorrectly, or misspells? Finally, does the writer have any tendencies for error they should be made

aware of? (Think comma splices, run-on sentences, switches in verb tense, etc.)

I think this writer uses a lot of details and imaging in there sentences. Each sentence seems to be very well written.

10. Write a summary comment that explains what you like best about the paper. Then, describe the two features of the paper that most need improvement. What suggestion(s) for overcoming these problems do you have?

I thought this was a very good paper and it entailed a lot of insight. I really loved the conclusion, to me those are usually very hard to do and this person executed it very well. I can only really see one thing that could actually be improved on in this paper and that is maybe the introductory paragraph you could add a little more to make me want to keep reading, because once I read it all I was happy I kept going it was very well written after that.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Kelly K/definition review by Michael DuPre

English 101 Process-Based Peer Review Sheet

Instructions: Answer the questions below, being as specific as possible. Try to give the type of (helpful) feedback

that you would like to receive for your own draft. One word responses are not acceptable!

1. Is the introductory paragraph interesting? Why or why not? What does the writer give you to make you want to

continue reading?

The introduction paragraph in nothing to special it just states her past and her present situations. The first paragraph really doesn't have a lot to it to make me want to continue.

2. Is there a clear thesis statement? Can you find a sentence (or two) that reveals the writer’s purpose?

The thesis statement is definitely clear it is how she wants a younger sister.

3. Type the sentence(s) below that you believe to be the writer’s thesis statement. If the thesis is implied, state it in

your own words below.

The thesis is implied and it is pretty simple she is going to explain the perfect little sister.

4. Do all of the paragraphs contribute to the development of the thesis? Is it clear to you how each of the

paragraphs relate to the process the writer is examining? Are any of the required steps or stages left out? Point out

any paragraph(s) that you have difficulty relating to the thesis statement or process.

All the paragraphs contribute to the development of the thesis and each paragraph is very clear.

5. Would the essay improve if the paragraphs were arranged differently? Why/why not? Note any paragraph that

seems out of order.

I really don't think any paragraph could be arranged differently it is definitely well written.

6. Are the paragraphs connected to one another smoothly and logically? Are there transitions between paragraphs

that help you understand how the writer’s ideas are connected? Do individual paragraphs seem well detailed?

What suggestions would you make about adding/subtracting specific details?

The whole essay flows very smoothly and transitions are very well done and very detailed.

7. Are all of the writer’s paragraphs unified and coherent? Indicate which paragraphs have any sentences that seem

irrelevant (“unity” concerns) or out of order (“coherence” concerns).

This is a very well written essay each paragraph seems fine. It is very smooth and unified.

8. Go back and read the first and last paragraph. Has the writer fulfilled the obligations he or she established in the

introduction? Does the writer accomplish everything promised in the introduction, or does the essay go off track or

seem to switch focus? Why or why not? How can the conclusion be improved?

I really enjoyed the writers conclusion it was very clever and clear.

9. Now look at sentences. Does the writer have sentences that strike you as effective because they include strong

verbs, specific details, memorable phrases, or striking images? Does the writer have any words they repeat too

often, use incorrectly, or misspells? Finally, does the writer have any tendencies for error they should be made

aware of? (Think comma splices, run-on sentences, switches in verb tense, etc.)

I don't think the sentences were very strong in any sense it was all just well written.

10. Write a summary comment that explains what you like best about the paper. Then, describe the two features of

the paper that most need improvement. What suggestion(s) for overcoming these problems do you have?

I really enjoyed the conclusion, I thought it was a great ending. I think the paper could use a little more detail and also a little more insight.

amy H compare and by michael DuPre

English 101 Process-Based Peer Review Sheet

Instructions: Answer the questions below, being as specific as possible. Try to give the type of (helpful) feedback

that you would like to receive for your own draft. One word responses are not acceptable!

1. Is the introductory paragraph interesting? Why or why not? What does the writer give you to make you want to

continue reading?

The introductory paragraph was very interesting, it takes a lot of nerve to do what she did. She is talking about going on a blind date which is very interesting, because I wanna see how it goes.

2. Is there a clear thesis statement? Can you find a sentence (or two) that reveals the writer’s purpose?

I dont feel like there is a clear cut thesis statement, but i can find senteces that reveals the writer's purpose.

3. Type the sentence(s) below that you believe to be the writer’s thesis statement. If the thesis is implied, state it in

your own words below.

I am going to write about the two my dates I have had.

4. Do all of the paragraphs contribute to the development of the thesis? Is it clear to you how each of the

paragraphs relate to the process the writer is examining? Are any of the required steps or stages left out? Point out

any paragraph(s) that you have difficulty relating to the thesis statement or process.

I think for the most part all paragraphs contribute well and keep the essay really flowing. When I say flowing I obviously agree that it is very clear.I really did not have a problem relating the thesis statement process I thought it was a well written paper.

5. Would the essay improve if the paragraphs were arranged differently? Why/why not? Note any paragraph that

seems out of order.

I really don't think the paragraphs could have been arranged and better but it would have been nice to know were a new paragraph began. I could tell but if spacing was used it would help a lot more.

6. Are the paragraphs connected to one another smoothly and logically? Are there transitions between paragraphs

that help you understand how the writer’s ideas are connected? Do individual paragraphs seem well detailed?

What suggestions would you make about adding/subtracting specific details?

Like I said earlier i think the paragraphs move very smoothly and logically. I think transitions were very good and it was a very entertaining story.

7. Are all of the writer’s paragraphs unified and coherent? Indicate which paragraphs have any sentences that seem

irrelevant (“unity” concerns) or out of order (“coherence” concerns).

I thought this was a very well written paper but again spaces would have helped.

8. Go back and read the first and last paragraph. Has the writer fulfilled the obligations he or she established in the

introduction? Does the writer accomplish everything promised in the introduction, or does the essay go off track or

seem to switch focus? Why or why not? How can the conclusion be improved?

I think this was a very well written essay and the first and last paragraph fulfilled all obligations. I don't think they ever went off track or anything.

9. Now look at sentences. Does the writer have sentences that strike you as effective because they include strong

verbs, specific details, memorable phrases, or striking images? Does the writer have any words they repeat too

often, use incorrectly, or misspells? Finally, does the writer have any tendencies for error they should be made

aware of? (Think comma splices, run-on sentences, switches in verb tense, etc.)

This essay was a very entertaining one and i thought there were a good amount of details such as losing wallet and her paying and driving off without paying for gas.

10. Write a summary comment that explains what you like best about the paper. Then, describe the two features of

the paper that most need improvement. What suggestion(s) for overcoming these problems do you have?

I like this paper mainly because it kept me on my toes. It was very funny and well written at the same time.One main feature to approve on would be the paragraph spacing and the other feature would have to be maybe a little more detail. I think the best suggestion would to be go over and over the essay.

Friday, August 13, 2010

"Mother Tongue" Blog

Nowadays we have slang for just about everything in the United States of America. That is probably why English is one of the hardier languages to learn. We are just lazy and we shorten a lot of things and maybe its not just lazy maybe it is we just try to find the shortest and quickest ways to get our point across. I feel like either way that is a big reason English is hard to learn.

Even though English is one of the hardiest languages to learn I feel like more people try to learn it more so then us Americans try to learn other cultures languages. I think most Americans think that everyone should just speak our language and that is not right. One thing that I noticed we use a lot of slang in is our sports we shorten everything in our sports. Just look for example at every professional sport can be described in just three letters and most people know exactly what sport your talking about. I am not sure if this is clever or just lazy of us.

Take basketball for example, so much slang is used during basketball it is not funny. It is not even the basics of basketball that use slang it is more the mouthing the players use. Such as when you go up for a lay up and get blocked some people like to say not in my house and I feel like if this was someone not familiar with our slang they would be severely confused. They would probably just stop stare at you and be offended. What not in my house no I am not in your house we are at the gym, I feel like that is what would be running in there head in fact I know that what they would be thinking I have seen the looks on foreigners faces when that situation has happened. Some other slang we use in basketball include such sayings as “you cant guard me get off me” and there are tons of others and I just feel like all these comments would greatly confuse someone who is not from the united states.

Football is another sport that uses a lot of slang and jargon in the sport. Not many other countries even have football, so these is something very hard for foreigners to understand just simple cause there not familiar with it and then we as our slang and it just makes it near impossible for people who are not from the united states to understand. One big thing that I would see very confusing for outsiders would be the quarterback and his cadence. I feel like they would just be shocked and maybe offended when hearing him shout of his reads and checks. Just a simple hut hut hike might even confuse them. If the could even make out what he says they would be like what a hut were? I am not sure about the assumptions but I just feel like they would definitely need a guide to understand what was going on. I would definitely not let a colts game be the one to teach them about Peyton Manning has so many audibles they would not know what to think. On a side not the man is a genius he says the most random stuff that Americans don’t even understand the only people who know what the man is saying is his own team, which works out perfectly for him. That of course is just a side note, now back to topic. They also would be very confused by the mouthing if they actually attempted to play a real game of football. When somebody puts a get hit on somebody they simple stand over him and tell him to stay down. I feel like if this happened to a outsider they would probably look and the ref and be confused and wonder if they were actually suppose to stay laying there. It all is just very confusing. You sometimes here a lot of the receivers and defensive backs doing a lot of the mouthing. They say certain things like “all day baby all day” meaning what ever they did that was good is going to go on throughout the game not literally all day.

That is just a brief description of my hobbies and there jargon. They definitely have a lot more to them then that and someone who has not grown up around the stuff would definitely need a good guide to figure it out and it would be even better if they could find someone who would personally help them. This all is why it is very hard to understand and be fluent in the English language.

“Mother Tongue” Response Questions

1. The expression used in Amy Tan’s title, “Mother Tongue,” is also used in paragraph seven.

What does this expression generally mean? What does it seem to mean in this essay?

This expression generally means how she speaks. In this essay it is basically how she only understand what and how her mother speaks, which goes back to the shows she watches.

2. Tan uses dialogue throughout the essay…why do you think she does this? What purpose does

it serve? Which sentences of dialogue do you find particularly effective, and why?

I think she use dialogue to help us see how someone talks. It helps give us more insight. One dialogue I like was when she was acting like her mother and how she translated what her mother said into a lot smoother words.

3. In what ways did outsiders (like bankers and waiters) make judgments of Tan’s mother

because of her language? Do you think the judgments where deliberate or unconscious on their

part? Explain.

She felt outsiders treated her mother poorly just because she didn't speak perfect english. I think the judgments were not deliberate just probably little shorter tempered because it was hard to understand her.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

"How Do We Find the Student...?" Blog

In this world today there is not one person who is exactly the same as another person. There are so many people out there it would be almost impossible to find two people who were exactly the same and that is what makes this world so unique. To me this is a very good thing; because if people were to alike this world would be a very boring one.

I grew up in a small to medium size town I would say. Our school was more on the smaller side I guess you could say. I graduated with around one hundred and twenty five people or so and our class was actually one of the bigger ones. That may sound small but our school had all kinds of personalities in it just like any other school.

There is of course the motor heads. These are the guys and occasional girl who just absolutely just love cars and motors. These kids are the ones who will maybe go to school for two years and then plan to work on cars and cars only and who am I to say that is not important. We need those people in our world to if we didn’t have these people what would you do when your car wouldn’t work, so these people are just as important as the doctors in a way.

There is the class clown who nobody takes serious. This could be boy or girl. They usually do pretty good in school but nothing to extraordinary. The thing about these people is that they actually turn out to me on the more successful side once they finally grow up. They were a clown but that does nothing but help their career excel.

There is the wide guy, who puts more effort in finding loopholes than just doing it the normal way. This person is usually average on general knowledge, but very high in common sense. This person very well could end up any where from jail for a scam, in a factory, or leading a multimillion-dollar company. These people usually get along with everyone.

There is the silent one who you barely know exists and that not because you are to good its just simple because they want it like that. They usually just keep to there selves and like it like that. They usually are about average in school and have zero athletic ability, so they spend most of there time sitting in library or cafeteria. They usually have no ambition to go to college they see that ass pointless and a bunch of preppy kids finding an excuse not to get a job for another four years, so you will usually see them at your local gas stations or local factories and again nothing wrong with that.

There is the preppy- all-star, who is hated and loved the most at the same time. He usually is arrogant cocky and loves all the attention. He thinks he can get any girl he wants with ease and usually can. He also does not associate with many underclassmen unless you’re a pretty girl. He usually gets what he want when he wants and loves getting everything handed to him. Then when he goes off to college he realizes there are tons of guys just like him out there and can not take and ends up going home working in factory and starts a family at young age. As he gets older and older he strays from the spotlight and just sits in stands at every sport event wishing he could go back in time.

There is the runner-up, runner up being the guy just below the supposed preppy all-start. He usually is a best friend with the preppy all-star, but normally more people actually like him than they do the all-star, but he doesn’t know it. He is usually well like by all his peers and teachers. They all see him as the all around nice guy. He usually goes on to excel after high school and college. He moves a way and is a very humble and very successful individual but does not forget were he came from. He actually normally grows old and moves back to the old town to make sure everyone and everything is still going smoothly.

There is the band geek; the leader of the band and that is about it. They usually have a stranger personality but unique in there own way. The bands kids all are usually pretty good in school. Good portions of them attends college and do very well in life. Some come back and other moves away.

High schools are made up of all kinds of different personalities. I don’t see that as a bad thing at all because if we all were the same it would be pretty boring. That is why I am very proud of were I am from and who I went to school with I don’t feel like there is not one individual that I graduated with that I would be ashamed to say I knew them. I plan to attend every reunion no matter what.

“How Do We Find the Student…?” Response Questions

1. This essay appeared in The Chronicle of Higher Education, a weekly publication for college

and university professors and administrators. How do you think this audience influenced Baker’s

analysis of types of students? What about his tone and language?

I think writing for a college magazine that is mainly read by professor and administrators influenced him greatly to write about this. I think his tone is a more serious one but at the same time also kind of laid back to.

2. Baker deliberately creates, rather than avoids, stereotypes to establish exaggerated

representatives of types…do you think his classifications are fair? Do they accurately reflect the

whole spectrum of students? Why or why not?

I think his stereotypes are all very close and we all could understand who he was talking about and yes it is very fair. I feel like it does reflect the spectrum of students very accurately I could picture someone for every type he described. I thought he was very on point.

3. This article was published in 1982: How well have Baker’s classifications held up to present

conditions? How closely do they mirror the student population at USI? Explain your answer.

I think Baker is still very on point with his types of people. I think he hit a type for at every college. I feel every college as the same type of kids we just don't really think about it.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

"Why We Crave Horror Movies" Blog

As most kids my age could attest that we all have watched are fair share of TV and I will not lie I fit into that group also. I have watched TV my whole life. I mean it has just always been around, so why not. I don’t think everything on TV is bad either there are lots of good show out there and yes maybe we would be better of reading but were not.

My childhood was no different then any other normal childhood. I first began watching cartoons. I can remember it as if it was yesterday I would always be sitting at the babysitters every morning watching the same thing the Flintstones. That of course was my first cartoon I was into. Then after the Flintstones came the power rangers and the ninja turtles. I absolutely loved them both. I know some people see those shows and violent and not suited for children, but every episode did have a good meaning even though I will admit I did not know it at the time but they did. They all incorporate the core values of being nice to others not stealing, and the bad guy of course never wins. The shows did of some good to them. I can remember a episode of power rangers were they took there day off and helped the homeless and fed them, so these shows must not be to bad if I can remember that fifteen years later.

The next TV shows I started getting into after the cartoons was of course the family shows. I forgot to mention we live in the country so for a good while we only had around five of the basic channels, so I did not have a lot to pick from. That might have been good though I will say I was outside a lot more than normal kids, but I still got my fair share of TV watching in. Now on to the family shows I watched. I think the next shows I started to enjoy would probably have to be full house and home improvement. Both these shows were about family and they talked about how all family’s have the same type of problems. They showed us that were not crazy for having the problems all normal family’s have. These show also taught us that yes we will have problems but in the end our parents are probably looking out for our best interest. These shows always had a serious part and made sure the lesson learned was recognized but the also were very funny shows to. These shows were the type of shows a family could sit down and watch and enjoy the evening together. I to this day still watch these show if I see it on so they must not be too bad.

My next stage of shows was around my junior high days of finding my self so I guess these shows of course are not nearly as good for everyone as full house and home improvement. This was the time I started watching stuff on MTV, VH1, ESPN, USA and TBS shows. Shows such as TRL and fresh prince of bell air, sportscenter, and shows like that. We obviously stepped up in the world and finally got cable, forgot to mention that. My favorite show in junior high had to be sportscenter, basically anything on MTV and VH1. These shows were just the cool thing to watch so I did and I enjoyed them. I will admit some shows on MTV were a little risky, but hey got to grow up sometime. I feel like it was better to see and learn certain stuff that way other than having to experience it first hand. I actually took a lot of it in and learn what not to do and what to do. What was good and bad. For all those people out there that just thing all we watch is trash and some of it might be, but what those people don’t know is that we of course are taking it in and making mental notes. These shows that are a little more worse than others always have a disclaimer warning you certain things they are about to show may offend you. When you see that you decide then do I want to watch it or not. I don’t feel like anybody is forcing anybody to watch these show. I to this day still basically watch the show I watch when I was in junior high. I feel yes we maybe shouldn’t be watching as much tv as we do but I also think at the same time I would not know some things that are good things to know if it were not for TV and I don’t think TVs are going any where so better just get use to it and choose what you watch wisely.

“Why We Crave Horror Stories” Response Questions

1. Does this essay have an explicitly stated thesis? If so, what is it? If you believe the thesis is

implied, state it in your own words.

I do no think the author really explicitly states the thesis. I feel like he implies the thesis with his title.

2. Besides cause and effect, what other modes of writing that we’ve studied (comparison and

contrast, definition, description, illustration, narration, and process) does King use to develop his

essay? Provide examples from the essay for each mode you list.

I feel like illustration is a big one that he uses. Especially when he states certain things in such great detail such as If we are all insane, then sanity becomes a matter of degree. If your insanity leads you to carve up women like Jack the Ripper or the Cleveland Torso Murderer, we clap you away in the funny farm (but neither of those two amateur-night surgeons was ever caught, heh-heh-heh); if, on the other

hand, your insanity leads you only to talk to yourself when you're under stress or to pick your nose on the morning bus, then you are left alone to go about your business...though it is doubtful that you will ever be invited to the best parties.

3. The last paragraph of this essay is a single sentence. Why do you think King chose to write

such a short concluding paragraph? What effect does it have on the reader?

I feel like yes it is only one sentence but it is a sentence that says a lot and as a reader it put a good lasting impression on me. Therefore the effect was good.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

"I Want a Wife" Blog

I am very far from this but I would really love for my life to become this. I am a member of the United States of America society. I am also I member of the under paid society so that is why I would love to have the perfect life.

I would love to start college all over and average a 4.o grade point average though out my whole college career. This would help me have the perfect life. I would love to date all the prettiest and smartest girls though out college it would definitely be the perfect life. I love to have the biggest and best parties and they all they would be say at the same time, which would be the perfect life. Having all these big perfect parties would also lead to me having tons of great friends and a perfect life needs great friends. I would love to go four years of college and not study. I would love to have the best and most fun college internships. I would love to have the nicest cars and house in college. I would love for all the professors to love me. I want the perfect life of doing all these with out worrying about money. A perfect life would also have me as a star-athlete at the biggest and best school. A perfect life would entail me graduating with a 4.0 and having a nice desk job waiting for me when I graduated debt free.

A perfect life would have me marry the prettiest and smartest girl along with a good job. In a perfect life we would have the perfect little house. The perfect life would also have the biggest and most beautiful wedding you could imagine. We would also have all our friends and familiar there. A perfect life would let us go on a two-week extravagant honeymoon worry free no problems. In a perfect life we would never fight and always be happy without being fake. A perfect life would allow me to have a perfect job with no stress and also be very successful at the same time. In the perfect life I would work hard and important people would see that and I would get promoted, and along with being promoted I would also get a hefty bump in my salary. The salary bump would be so substantial that we would start building our dream house. The reason for us needing our dream house would be because we are now having a baby and this will not be the only one of course it would be one of five perfect kids. The kids would all be very perfect in everyway. The kids would be very smart and very athletic at the same time. In a perfect life I would have three boys and two girls. In a perfect life if would of course alternate boy girl, boy, girl, boy. The oldest boy of course would be all there role models. The boys would play every sport basketball, baseball, and football. The boys of course would excel in every sport also. In a perfect world they all would be captains on every team and every kid would look up to them. The boys would also excel in the classroom also. They all would be 4.0 students just like their mother and father. In a perfect life they all would get full rides to college were they also would excel. In a perfect life the girls would also play many sports and be cheerleaders. The girls would play basketball volleyball and be cheerleaders. They would be very beautiful and perfect daughters no attitude at all. They both would excel in school and of course be valedictorians. They would go on to college on full rides and become lawyers and doctors.

“I Want a Wife” Response Questions

1. Does this essay have an explicitly stated thesis? If so, what is it? If you believe the thesis is

implied, paraphrase it in your own words.

I feel like the thesis is very explicitly stated. I think the thesis is obviously the expectations of a wife. For example in the essay they state that

I want a wife who is a good nurturant attendant to my children, who arranges for their schooling, makes sure they have an

adequate social life with their peers, takes them to the park, the zoo, etc. I want a wife who takes

care of the children when they are sick, a wife who arranges to be around when the children need

special care, because, of course, I cannot miss classes at school. My wife must arrange to lose

time at work and not lose the job.

2. Throughout the essay, Brady repeats the words “I want a wife.” What is the effect of this


I feel like this has a big effect on this essay. I feel like that is what they were trying to do to point out what they want a wife to do.

3. Brady never uses the personal pronouns he or she to refer to the wife she defines. Why not?

I think Brady never uses the personal pronoun he or she just to keep your mind wondering and it did do that to me.

4. The first and last paragraphs of this essay are quite brief. Why do you think Brady chose to

write such short introductory and concluding paragraphs? What effect does it have on the


I think the author maybe does this to point out how much a wife does compared to the other person in the story. They explain how much they expect the wife to do and are very brief on their duties.

5. Do you think Brady really wants the kind of wife she describes—does this ideal spouse

actually exist? Explain why you think Brady wrote this essay.

I actually don't think this is the wife Brady wants. I don't think this spouse does exist. I think Brady wrote this to show that it would be impossible for a wife to be this perfect wife, that all men think they should have.

Monday, August 9, 2010

"Grant and Lee: A Study in Contrasts" Blog

When I think of two people I need to right about and compare, I can only think of two people who come to my mind right away. Those two people are my first friends, the first people I ever met and the first people that loved me. These two people are of course my mom and dad. They of course had no choice, but they were they first people I saw and of course loved, so it is only right of me to talk about them and compare them, because they in no way are similar.

I am first going to say I love both my parents dearly, but when it comes to raising me and my sister they both have there own methods. I am first going to talk about my mother; because it is only right ladies first that is how they raised me. My mother was raised out in the country I guess you could say on a big dairy farm. You could say my mother is no stranger to hard work. From the time she was just a little girl she had always been working or doing some type of choirs and she instilled that into me. I did not have to do the hard work she probably did but she always made sure I had some type of choir to do everyday before I could do anything, which I actually made me a well-rounded person I think. I would definitely have to say between my mom and dad my mother is the softy between the two. When I want something I usually run to mommy. I will not lie she spoils me and I of course enjoy it. For instance I can recall wanting to have people over and dad would always say no and then I would look at my mom and she would say come on tom they will we fine and of course then dad would always give in. My mom is always wanting me to buy new stuff to if I am just simply talking to her about something I like and plan to get eventually, she simply says well go get I will pay for it you deserve no matter what I normally do not do anything to deserve it. When it all comes down to it she just wants her boy to be happy and she will do anything to make sure that happens and that is why I love my mom.

My father, probably one of the hardest working individuals I know and the most loving at the same time. My fathers’ background I guess you could say is a little more rural; he is not exactly country boy and far from a city boy. My father grew up in a family of six brothers and sisters all in one house. He also was raised in a very hard working and intelligent family. I would say my parents were definitely raised differently but not too much. You could say his family was maybe a little more strict and little higher society, so by saying that I could guess my father is definitely the strict parent. My father is constantly on us on how we act and treat others. I now see nothing wrong with that, because how you are raised definitely reflects how you act and are looked at. My father is a very hard workingman along with working twelve-hour days he also owns rental property, were he does all the work on them himself. I definitely do not see how he can do it all. I feel like this is why he is very cautious with his money he knows how hard he works for it I guess you could say. That is also why he his so strict he wants me to develop the same work habit he has and he also does not want to lose everything he has worked hard to own. My father does have a soft side when it comes to kids, he actually would love to open his house to any kid that needs some guidance, that is just the kind of individual he is. He is not just looking to make money and fame he is just looking to help change I child’s life if needed. He mainly does all this to show his kids how to act and behave and again I will say when it all comes down to is he does what he does just to make his kids happy and will stop at nothing to make sure that happens.

It all comes down to that I of course think both of my parents are great people. They both are very responsible for me being the person I am today. I feel so far I have represented them very well and I plan to continue that. I am willing to say that is probably my main goal in life to make sure both of my parents are proud of me. They both have their differences on certain things, but when it all comes down to it they both played a big role in the person I am today and I love them for that.

“Grant and Lee: A Study in Contrasts” Response Questions

1. Does Catton use subject-by-subject or point-by-point comparison?

Catton uses subject by subject, he first describes Lee and then grant in detail.

2. According to Catton, where is it that “the contrast between Grant and Lee becomes most


According to Catton both men were the perfect champion of his cause, drawing both his strengths and his weaknesses from the

people he led.

3. Is Catton’s purpose in comparing Grant and Lee the same as his purpose in contrasting them?

That is, do their similarities also make a statement about U.S. history? Explain.

I think Catton's purpose in comparing Grant and Lee is the same purpose as in contrasting them and their similarities do make a statement about U.S. history and that is when times get tough don't give up. Life was a competition.

4. Why, according to Catton, are “succeeding generations of Americans” in debt to Grant and


According to Catton the roles both these guys played at a brief meeting in the McLean house at Appomattox. Their behavior there put all

succeeding generations of Americans in their debt.

5. Why do you suppose Catton provides the background for the meeting at Appomattox but

presents no information about the dramatic meeting itself?

I suppose Catton did this because the essay was not about the meeting the essay was more about Lee and Grant and how important they are to us.

Friday, August 6, 2010

"What I've Learned from Men" Blog

As you get older and older you of course learn more and more things. I felt like these past couple years I have taken pretty big steps in my life. These steps are the steps that are going to make me the person I am. I feel like these steps are very important ones in a young adults life.

My first big step started of course when I graduated from high school and got my first real part time job. My first job was a construction job. I had get up every morning make my lunch and get to work on time, which I had no problem with because I had to do that a lot for sports also. The first job site I was on could have been the scariest thing I have done in my life so far. I was actually reroofing an A-frame house and it was very high and steep. Welcome to the real world and I had no choice I had to do it so I did. I will admit I was very scared and very happy to be done with that job. The summer went on and I worked there all summer until the middle of august. I had to quit because I was taking my next big step, which was moving out and going off to college. I was moving to Bowling Green, Kentucky to go to Western Kentucky University. I was so excited to go and live on my own, well at least I thought I was. I was there for about two weeks before I went back home to just visit my parents for the weekend. When I was home I started noticing certain things a I was missing just little things such as my moms food and just there company. The weekend was over and I headed back to school. As the school year went on I will not lie I did go home a little more than I should have, but one big reason for that was I had a girlfriend back home, so that didn’t help my situation. The year came to an end and I made a few good friends, but I just didn’t think western was the place for me, so that is when I decided to transfer to the University of Southern Indiana in Evansville, Indiana.

I was home for another summer and of course I got another summer job. This one was actually a little different. My new job was actually going to be in factory and boy was it a opening experience. My job at the factor was to inspect rotors so it was not to terribly bad just the hours were not fun. I actually was working twelve-hour shifts all summer, so you could say I did not have much of a summer as far as fun, but I did make some good money, which was kind of nice. When that summer came to an end I was off to Evansville. I had my own apartment and a roommate and now I was officially moved out. I absolutely loved it and really do feel like I am on my own. I had to grown up real fast. I was responsible for keeping up my apartment, cooking food and going to class. It is not to bad but it did take some time to get it all down. What I have learned is that takes a responsible and organized person to live on your own. I feel like I do a pretty good job though I get tons of complements on my apartment saying not many guys in college keep there apartment this clean, so that made me feel pretty good. I also ventured out and starting cooking a lot more and believe it or not I actually really enjoy cooking. I actually just recently bought a grill and am in love with it. I do not know why but the food is just better on a charcoal grill. I guess what I am saying is that what I have learned from my parents through the years has really paid off.

“What I’ve Learned from Men” Response Questions

1. What is the tone (see definition below) of the opening paragraph? What does the tone of this

paragraph suggest we can expect in the rest of the essay?

I feel like the tone of the opening paragraph is a little bit bitter but at the same time I feel like she is also talking in a jokingly manner. I really did not know what to expect for the rest of the essay. I guess I maybe thought it was going to be how women are so mistreated and misinterpreted.

2. Ehrenreich contrasts “being tough” and “being ladylike.” What are the attitudes and behaviors

that she associates with these opposing ways of being?

Some things she states are that the essence of lady likeness is a persistent servility masked as "niceness." For example, we

(women) tend to assume that it is our responsibility to keep everything "nice" even when the person

we are with is rude and then she goes on and talks about how men are basically the opposite.

3. According to Ehrenreich, why are women reluctant to exert power?

According to Ehrenreich women are reluctant to exert power because the are looked at as "selfish"; she also does the traditional lady's

work of trying to make everyone else feel better ("She's not really sp smart, after all, just lucky").

4. Why do you think Ehrenreich shares the story of her encounter with the “prestigious

professor” in paragraph 3?

I think she shares that story to point out a lot of men are just pigs and use there power to get what they want or at least think they can.

5. Why does she “rerun” the scene with the professor to conclude her essay?

She does this to tell us what she actually should have done when this whole situation happened.