The first thing that comes to my mind when I see this topic is hazing and how immature it really is. There are tons of degrees of hazing. Some people just do it just to give one of their peers a hard time and others do it just to be mean. I have heard of some pretty harsh things that some people are put through just to be a part of a group or house, for example a frat. To me it all comes boils down there is no hazing that is considered ok.
I can honestly say I have never really got into this type of thing personally, but I have definitely witnessed it and did nothing about it. The first time I would say I actually saw a type of hazing and realized that is what was going on would have to be in junior high. I was a seventh grader and I actually was the one who was getting the hazing done to. I of course was not alone, it was basically any smaller seventh grader the eighth graders thought they could man handle. What they would do would grab us before practice and before the coaches arrived and they would attempt to through us down a big hill covered in weeds and all kinds of nasty stuff. I will say it did not last long before some the older and more mature ones told the guys who were doing the hazing that it was not cool and somebody could actually seriously get hurt. When I was an eighth grader I saw the exact same happening all over except it was some of my buddies doing the hazing and I can honestly say I did not participate. The thing this time though was that the seventh graders were not like we were they actually went and told the coaches on the guys who were participating in these childish games. Once the coaches found out we all got punished and rightfully so, because even though we all didn’t participate we also did not stop it either, so in a way we were to blame also. That was only the begging of hazing. For some reason all my hazing that I saw managed to coincide with sports do not ask me why but I guess they kind of go hand and hand, trust me I agree it is very dumb. For the most part though my grade really did not participate in the whole hazing scene. I thought for the most part we tried to be friendly to the under classmen and I think the reason for this was we saw a lot of our classmates who could not handle it actually quit, because they did not want to deal with it. So I feel like we noticed how we actually needed some of those guys that quit for practice and stuff, so I guess you could say we did not want to put these guys and that same position. You could say we were looking out for the program and not looking for a laugh we just wanted to be successful.
I hear totally different stories about hazing and frats and I think it is very dumb and immature. I have heard of many things that are very degrading. I have heard that some people force others to eat and eat to the point were they are throwing up and that is not the worst part. The worst part is that these pledges are throwing up on other pledges. They say it is apart of brotherhood I see no brotherhood in that. I feel like if someone can do that to me what else would they do and you expect me to call them brother and on top of all that these kids are even paying for this punishment basically. To me there is no place for this type of hazing and for those people who see this as ok behavior I feel like they have a lot of growing up to do.
I really enjoyed your essay about hazing. I agree hazing is stupid and immature and can really hurt people physically and mentally. Also with the fraternities, I agree I would not call anyone my brother that would do stuff like that to me. I would also never downgrade myself to that level just to be accepted. Good job on your essay!