Wednesday, August 11, 2010

"Why We Crave Horror Movies" Blog

As most kids my age could attest that we all have watched are fair share of TV and I will not lie I fit into that group also. I have watched TV my whole life. I mean it has just always been around, so why not. I don’t think everything on TV is bad either there are lots of good show out there and yes maybe we would be better of reading but were not.

My childhood was no different then any other normal childhood. I first began watching cartoons. I can remember it as if it was yesterday I would always be sitting at the babysitters every morning watching the same thing the Flintstones. That of course was my first cartoon I was into. Then after the Flintstones came the power rangers and the ninja turtles. I absolutely loved them both. I know some people see those shows and violent and not suited for children, but every episode did have a good meaning even though I will admit I did not know it at the time but they did. They all incorporate the core values of being nice to others not stealing, and the bad guy of course never wins. The shows did of some good to them. I can remember a episode of power rangers were they took there day off and helped the homeless and fed them, so these shows must not be to bad if I can remember that fifteen years later.

The next TV shows I started getting into after the cartoons was of course the family shows. I forgot to mention we live in the country so for a good while we only had around five of the basic channels, so I did not have a lot to pick from. That might have been good though I will say I was outside a lot more than normal kids, but I still got my fair share of TV watching in. Now on to the family shows I watched. I think the next shows I started to enjoy would probably have to be full house and home improvement. Both these shows were about family and they talked about how all family’s have the same type of problems. They showed us that were not crazy for having the problems all normal family’s have. These show also taught us that yes we will have problems but in the end our parents are probably looking out for our best interest. These shows always had a serious part and made sure the lesson learned was recognized but the also were very funny shows to. These shows were the type of shows a family could sit down and watch and enjoy the evening together. I to this day still watch these show if I see it on so they must not be too bad.

My next stage of shows was around my junior high days of finding my self so I guess these shows of course are not nearly as good for everyone as full house and home improvement. This was the time I started watching stuff on MTV, VH1, ESPN, USA and TBS shows. Shows such as TRL and fresh prince of bell air, sportscenter, and shows like that. We obviously stepped up in the world and finally got cable, forgot to mention that. My favorite show in junior high had to be sportscenter, basically anything on MTV and VH1. These shows were just the cool thing to watch so I did and I enjoyed them. I will admit some shows on MTV were a little risky, but hey got to grow up sometime. I feel like it was better to see and learn certain stuff that way other than having to experience it first hand. I actually took a lot of it in and learn what not to do and what to do. What was good and bad. For all those people out there that just thing all we watch is trash and some of it might be, but what those people don’t know is that we of course are taking it in and making mental notes. These shows that are a little more worse than others always have a disclaimer warning you certain things they are about to show may offend you. When you see that you decide then do I want to watch it or not. I don’t feel like anybody is forcing anybody to watch these show. I to this day still basically watch the show I watch when I was in junior high. I feel yes we maybe shouldn’t be watching as much tv as we do but I also think at the same time I would not know some things that are good things to know if it were not for TV and I don’t think TVs are going any where so better just get use to it and choose what you watch wisely.

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